County Commissioners are part-time elected officials responsible for overall supervision of County Departments, buildings and land, and exercise budgetary oversight over all County expenditures. Each county has three commissioners.
Grafton County District 3 is a geographically large and generally rural area encompassing 17 towns. It is the job of the three county commissioners to administer the business of the County and exercise budgetary control over County operations. This includes 750+ contiguous acres of land and multiple buildings including the Grafton County Courthouse, Grafton County Nursing Home, Grafton County Administrative Building, Grafton County Farm, Grafton County Department of Corrections and the Biomass Plant, which occupies 30 acres. There are 239 acres of Field and Cropland, 28 acres of Natural Area/Floodplain and 426 acres of Commercial Timberland. In addition, the land supports significant wildlife habitat, public recreation, environmental educational and scenic values.For more information click the county seal at above.
Commissioner’s Office
Human Resources
Register of Deeds
UNH Cooperative Extension
Conservation District
Department of Corrections
County Attorney
Sheriff’s Department
Nursing Home
Alternative Sentencing